Why Website Builders Are Failing Your Business

An image of EthanEthan Hawes Jul 30, 2024 🍿 3 minute read

Web page builders... the go-to for small businesses and startups, right? Well, unfortunately, yes they are. They're a cheap alternative and can be easy to use in a basic sense, but the limitations in functionality and performance issues will result in a website that won't serve your business well. Here are seven key reasons why you should think twice before going for a DIY website builder, and consider a professional solution instead:

Website Performance

Your website's performance is crucial for your business success. Google PageSpeed scores aren't just technical jargon - they directly impact your revenues. A slow-loading site frustrates visitors, leading to higher bounce rates and lost conversions. Web builders like Wix, GoDaddy, and WordPress often produce bloated code and unnecessary features that drag down your site's speed. Custom-coded websites, on the other hand, are built with performance in mind, ensuring your site loads quickly and keeps potential customers engaged.

Unintuative Interfaces

While web builders claim to be user-friendly, their interfaces often become confusing and limiting as you try to create a professional site. You'll find yourself fighting against pre-set templates and struggling to achieve the exact look and functionality your business needs. Professional web developers work directly with you to understand your vision, then bring it to life with a custom-designed interface that's intuitive for both you and your customers.


In today's interconnected digital world, your website needs to play nice with various third-party services - from payment processors to CRM systems. Web builders often limit your options to their pre-approved integrations. If your essential business tool isn't on that list, you're out of luck. Custom-built websites offer flexibility, ensuring seamless integration with any service your business requires, now or in the future.

Accessibility Issues

Web accessibility isn't just a nice-to-have - it's a legal requirement and a moral imperative. Many web builders overlook crucial accessibility features, potentially excluding a significant portion of your audience and opening you up to legal risks. Heard of the Domino's case? The pizza giant was sued because their website and app weren't accessible to blind users. Professional web developers prioritise accessibility, ensuring your web presence is inclusive and compliant.

SEO Performance

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the lifeblood of online visibility. While web builders offer basic SEO tools, they can't match the fine-tuned control and optimisation possible with a custom-coded site. Professional developers employ cutting-edge SEO techniques, structuring your site's code and content to maximise your search engine rankings. This means more organic traffic, more leads, and ultimately, more business for you.


For most small businesses, a static website is not just sufficient - it's optimal. Professionally built static sites are impossible to hack. This means iron-clad security for your online presence, with none of the constant updates and vulnerability patches required by dynamic sites built on platforms like WordPress. With a secure, custom-built site, you can focus on running your business, not worrying about website security.

Stand Out From The Crowd

In a sea of cookie-cutter websites, be different. Your competitors are likely using the same web builders, resulting in sites that all look eerily similar. Custom-built websites are as unique as your business. A professional design and development process ensures your site not only looks stunning but also functions flawlessly. This bespoke approach helps your business stand out, making a lasting impression on potential customers.

While web builders may seem like an easy solution, they often fall short in delivering the professional, high-performing website your business deserves. Think about partnering with experienced web development professionals who can create a custom site tailored to your specific needs. It's an investment in your online presence that can pay dividends in improved performance, better user experience, and increased business growth.