What Makes a Brilliant Website in 2024?

An image of EthanEthan Hawes Jul 21, 2024 🍿 2 minute read

As a business in 2024, your website reflects you just as much as your service does. 75% of your potential customers judge your company based on solely your website’s design. This means you need to invest in your website properly and take the necessary steps to ensure your website performs well and provides the crucial digital foundations your business needs and deserves.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Design - 54% of all web traffic comes through mobile phones, and your website needs to stack up. Too many small businesses fall into the traps of Wix and WordPress, being limited by websites which don’t work well on mobile devices. The fact most web agencies come at a premium upfront price to build a website that works further fuels this fire. Take the time to think about the methods you undertake to build a website which balances affordability with strong performance and beautiful design, helping you to grow your business effectively.
  2. Fitting into the fast-paced world - 47% of people won’t wait longer than 2 seconds for your website to load, we’re all too busy to hang around! This highlights the critical importance of optimising your website’s speed. This highlights the critical importance of optimising your website’s speed. A high Pagespeed score ensures your site loads quickly and keeps visitors engaged. Use a Pagespeed checker to test your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement. Remember, a faster website not only improves user experience but also boosts your search engine rankings.

    Check out our blog on Pagespeed scores to find out more.
  3. Look the part - 0.05 seconds, that’s how long it takes for someone to judge your website. I know - we are all awful! What does this tell you though? First impressions are everything. Your website's design needs to be visually appealing and professional to captivate visitors immediately. Use high-quality images, consistent branding, and an intuitive layout to create a positive and lasting impression. An aesthetically pleasing website builds trust and encourages users to explore further, increasing the chances of conversion.

Your website is a critical component of your business's success in 2024. With most of your potential customers judging your company based on your website’s design and performance, it's imperative to invest in a site that is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and visually appealing. By taking these steps, you ensure your website not only meets but exceeds the expectations of your visitors, setting your business up for growth and success in the digital age. Your website is the face of your business online—make sure it’s a face worth remembering.